Twins Review "Twins" 1988

1 month ago

Welcome to the Y? Us Channel! Home of the obscure and weird movies out there and occasionally we review some classics. As many of you have seen, we are twins. So we have decided to review the iconic buddy comedy TWINS starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito.

The movie TWINS stars Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of their popularity in the late 80’s. He was literally an invincible action movie box office attraction during the 1980s. So a turn to comedy was surprising.

Twins was released in 1988
Its a formulaic story in which a street wise swindler Devito teaches a sheltered Arnold lessons about living in the real world while the two of them search for their real parents while DeVito’s character is pursued by loan sharks and anyone else he owns money to. Arnold is ignorant to the ways of the world after growing up on a island with one of the scientists who bred him which adds to his character and some of the humor while Devito is a unattractive womanizer who has the hots for Kelly Preston’s sister.
The movie could only be conceived and filmed in the 80’s as the plot and humor might be lost on the current generation and it was a financial risk for the main stars and director. The casting is pitch perfect almost in which the former Mr Olympia champion Arnold is paired with Devito who is half his size. To add to the humor Devito uses his acting skills to supplement Arnold’s character who is dumb to the ways of the world. Somehow it worked and the movie became a smash hit for its time.

a fun fact about the production: Both Arnold And Danny Devito turned down their standard salaries for movie appearances to keep the film's budget manageable. The trade off was that they would receive a portion of the box office proceeds. Arnold Schwarzenegger has confirmed that he received his biggest payday for any movie for making Twins.
#80s #reaction #moviereview

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