I Tried to Learn Oil Painting in 30 Days

1 month ago

Wow it feels like I've been working on this forever! I've seen lots of people do the 30 day learning how to draw challenge but not so many that have documented their painting journey so I hope this is helpful to watch :))

I would love to know what you think of the video and about your own painting journey, whether it is with oils or not!❤️

Quick note ~I forgot to include this in the video but at day 15 I had to pause the challenge to complete some acrylic comissions so this isn't a full consecutive 30 days


Exclusive painting demos and tutorials on Patreon ♡ : https://www.patreon.com/c/Caitlinart?...

If you want to see the stages I have a story highlight on the whole challenge over on my instagram



References used in the video
I got all of my reference photos from pinterest but I couldn't find all of the photographers and artists names. Here are the ones I do have:

Day 1, Paint Coach tutorial
Day 5, John Singer Sargent painting copy
Day 7, Model is whitneyjasmne on instagram
Day 11, Smoltog on Instagram
Final piece, Laura Sheridan Photography for body position
Final piece, ph_anita_lunacharskaya on instagram for a face reference
Final piece, Yujin Dong on Artstation for armour reference

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