1 month ago

My name is Thomas W. Trefts. I was an A1C Jet Engine Mechanic in the Air Force at RAF ALCONBURY in England during the Gulf War working on
A-10 Thunderbolt Il Warthogs.

In my job description and work during Test Cell ( enclosed space jet engine testing ) I was exposed for prolonged periods to JP-8 Jet Fuel & it’s fumes , multiple neurotoxic solvents, lead paints, and also in close proximity to radioactive depleted uranium ( DU ) . Keep in mind that the A-10 nose cannon fires a repeating combination of projectile munitions including tracer rounds, DU Explosive Sabot Rounds, High Explosive among others. During combat each A-10 flies thru its own gunsmoke which stains the nose, fuselage, wings, engines & fan blades of the jets.

As a jet engine mechanic I was regularly tasked with steam cleaning the fan blades with hot steam which I would get all over me in both liquid and steam form. In this manner all by itself I believe I was exposed to hazardous radiation and heavy metal toxins.

Not until after our jets returned from Saudi Arabia at the end of the war were a small group of us tasked with JET WASHING ENTIRE AIRCRAFT WITHOUT GLOVES OR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT OF ANY KIND.

Lastly I believe that ALL SERVICEMEN ARE ROUTINELY OVER VACCINATED ( even though scientific articles & data on this topic DOES NOT EVEN EXIST ON THE INTERNET.

For anyone to tell me that I am not a “ Real Gulf War Veteran” just because I did not serve within an imaginary / arbitrary circle on a map of the Middle East is an absolute insult to everyone’s intelligence.

In 1990 I was forced to get in a jeep and driven to RAF LAKENHEATH to get the ( milky white ) “ FLU SHOT “ which is what the DOD was calling the incredibly flawed Anthrax
( BIOTHRAX ) injection at the time. It has since been proven unequivocally that a patented synthetic additive ( or adjuvant ) designated at that time as MF-59 was present in all production from that time to this very day and still presents a clear and present danger to not only all of our troops going on relentlessly for decades now but to the worldwide civilian population at large. This is a HIGH PRIORITY PUBLIC DANGER THAT NEEDS IMMEDATE CORRECTIVE ACTION. We need to push for the ability for troops to pick and choose which vaccines they wish to put into their bodies.

By international Law, based on the WWII NUREMBERG TRIALS it was a WAR CRIME to give our troops experimental , untested vaccines against our will AND without informed consent. To my way of thinking , the PENTAGON is guilty of Treason and obviously acting at the behest of a hopelessly corrupt and evil Deep State Pharmaceutical Lobby.

I have spent over 20 years casually researching Vaccine Hazards up to and including how they are produced, stored, labeled and administered. I HAVE FOUND PROOF THAT THERE ARE INTRINSIC HEALTH HAZARDS IN EACH OF THESE AREAS INCLUDING A BUILT IN PROCEDURES LOOPHOLE TO PURPOSELY FALSIFY VACCINE PRODUCTION DATES. Read the book Vaccine A by Gary Matsumoto and search for the works of Tulane University Scientists Dr. Pamela Asa & Robert F. Garry on this hazardous MF-59 additive. Coincidentally, my research has also uncovered that this topic should be RED FLAGGED because MF-59 goes by over 50+ other designation and routinely causes various forms of autoimmune illnesses in humans because the MF-59 is a synthetic form of Squalene and triggers our immune systems to forever more attack our own NATURAL SQUALENE which is absolute vital most notably in our Brains, Nervous Systems, & Spinal Cord causing horrific painful random and sometimes overlapping conditions and illnesses that the public in general is not yet aware of……

Let that sink in…..
Thomas W. Trefts

See Further Notes on over 400 Diseases Causing Mycoplasmas which are literally everywhere and too small to be screened for or eradicated from vaccines so they don’t even try. The biggest hazard is the PATENTED MYCOPLADMA FETMENTANS that became uncontainable decades ago and thus should be considered ( in my opinion ) as being a possible contaminate in virtually anything under the sun.


I was taught that during a conversation with my mentor Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

//.:.. 🚨 ‼️ Dr. Garth Nicolson

Tom Trefts On Meme Trunk

1.) Weaponized ( and patented ) Micoplasmas In Vaccines

2.) Days. Garth Nicolson

3.) Wiki

4.) Gulf War Syndrome

5.) Peter Kawaja & Captain Joyce Riley

Peter Kawaja

Dead Men Tell No Tails -

Peter demanding answers about the PATENTED GERM 🦠 WARFARE AGENT Micoplasma Fermentans

Government Created Diseases

Gulf War Illness Links

Dr. Garth Nicolson - Institute For Molecular Medicine

Dr. 👨‍⚕️ Garth Nicolson ~ Research 🔬 Gate -

Micoplasmas -

Tom Trefts Note 🗒️- Extremely Interesting 🤨 MICOPLASMAS ROLE IN AUTISM -


The Ultimate Blueprint for Global Transformation: BOOOOM! NESARA GESARA Implements the Ultimate Global Reset: The Most Complete List of 30+1 Shocking Protocols Ever! - American Media Group

1. Debt Forgiveness: Elimination of all bank-related debts (credit cards, mortgages, loans) caused by illegal banking practices. A financial “jubilee” for the people, freeing them from the grip of oppressive financial institutions.

2. Abolishment of Income Tax: Complete removal of income taxes and taxes on investments and retirement accounts (IRAs, 401ks, etc.) that were unconstitutionally imposed.

3. Termination of the IRS: The IRS will be permanently shut down, with its employees reassigned to the new Treasury-based tax collection system.

4. Flat-Rate Sales Tax: Introduction of a 14% flat-rate sales tax on new, non-essential goods (excluding food, medicine, and used items) to fund government operations. A fairer, more transparent tax system.

5. Boost to Senior Citizens’ Benefits: Increased benefits for senior citizens, ensuring they are well-supported financially in their later years.

6. Return to Constitutional Law: Restoration of Constitutional Law in the U.S. legal system, eliminating unconstitutional practices that have eroded the nation’s foundational legal principles.

7. Reinstatement of the Title of Nobility Amendment: Americans under foreign influence or control will lose their citizenship and be deported, preventing foreign interference in domestic affairs.

8. New Elections: Immediate implementation of new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement, wiping the slate clean of previous corrupt regimes.

9. End of National Emergencies: Cancellation of all declared national emergencies, returning the country to a state of normalcy and constitutional law.

10. Election Monitoring: A new system to monitor elections, preventing illegal activities by special interest groups and ensuring fair, transparent elections.

11. Creation of the Rainbow Currency: Introduction of a new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum, ending the current fiat currency system.

12. Protection of Birth Certificates: Prohibits the sale of U.S. birth certificate records as chattel property, ensuring personal sovereignty from corporate exploitation.

13. Establishment of the U.S. Treasury Reserve Banking System: The Federal Reserve will be phased out, and a new banking system will be implemented in accordance with Constitutional Law.

14. Re-indexing of Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and other precious metals will be re-indexed within 30 days of NESARA’s completion, stabilizing the economy.

15. Federal Reserve Phase-Out: The Federal Reserve System will be dissolved over the course of a year, fully transitioning monetary control to the U.S. Treasury.

16. Restoration of Financial Privacy: Implementation of systems to protect financial privacy, ending widespread data theft and hacking.

17. Retraining of Judges and Attorneys: All legal professionals will be retrained in Constitutional Law to uphold justice and protect the rights of citizens.

18. Global Peace Initiatives: The U.S. will cease all aggressive military actions, shifting its focus towards peaceful diplomatic relations around the world.

19. Release of Suppressed Technologies: Over 6,000 hidden patents for advanced technologies (including free energy and medical cures) will be made available to the public.

20. Humanitarian Project Funding: Large-scale funding for domestic and global humanitarian projects, allowing for widespread societal improvements.

21. Ban on Currency and Precious Metals Dealers: The buying and selling of precious metals will be exclusively conducted through the U.S. Treasury Reserve Banking System, eliminating private middlemen.

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1.) Tom Trefts Message To Maui ~

2.) Tom Trefts - Unusual Noisy Start 🛫 But It Gets Much Better. My Opinion On The White Hat Narrative-

3.) Baptist Health South Florida to Acquire ZAP Surgical’s ZAP-X Gyroscopic Radiosurgery Platform for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatments - Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report

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