40 Niches Being Promoted For Us (EASY SALES!)

1 month ago

🔥 Merch Dominator (Amazon Merch Research) 👉 https://bit.ly/PODMerchDominator
🌟 Ryan's Method: Print on Demand Course 👉 http://bit.ly/PODCourse
💥 [FREE] Print on Demand Training 👉 http://bit.ly/PODMiniCourse
⭐ Join My Private Community (2x Weekly Coaching Calls) 👉 https://bit.ly/RYANPRIVATE40
👪 Print on Demand Facebook Group 👉 http://bit.ly/PODwRyanHogue

👋 Follow me on Instagram 👉 http://bit.ly/RyanHogueOfficial

🎥 IN THIS VIDEO: I'm sharing a complete list of 40+ trending niches in the "health awareness" space for the month of March. The best part: they will promote them for us!

00:00 - Trending Health Niches for March 📈
00:39 - Key Health Awareness Months 💚
02:25 - Diverse Health Awareness Topics 🌈
06:02 - Special Awareness Days 📅
10:36 - Monetizing These Niches 🙌


► My Courses
Link: http://bit.ly/RyansMethodSchool

► My 20-Day Print on Demand Mini-Course (FREE!)
Link: http://bit.ly/PODMiniCourse

► My Print on Demand Facebook Group
Link: http://bit.ly/PODwRyanHogue

► Need 1 on 1 Help?
Link: http://bit.ly/GetRyansHelp


► Instagram
Link: http://bit.ly/RyanHogueOfficial

► Passive Income Facebook Community
Link: http://bit.ly/RyansMethodFB

► Discord Server
Link: https://bit.ly/RyansmethodDISCORD

► Ryan Hogue Investing YouTube Channel
Link: http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE_RyanHogueInvesting

▬▬ TOOLS I USE (Print on Demand) ▬▬


► PrettyMerch PRO+ ~ Niche Research Tools + More for Merch Sellers
Link: https://bit.ly/PrettyMerchPRO

► MyDesigns ~ Full POD Content Management System w/ Automation
Link: https://bit.ly/PODMyDesigns

► Alura ~ Etsy Seller Suite of Tools
Link: http://bit.ly/GetAlura


► Printful
Link: http://bit.ly/PODPrintful


► AutomatePOD ~ Automate POD Design Creation
Link: http://bit.ly/automate_pod

► Merch Titans Automation ~ Automate Your POD Uploads
Link: http://bit.ly/MechTitansAutomation

► Flying Upload ~ Automate Your POD Uploads
Link: http://bit.ly/PODFlyingUpload (code: RYANSMETHOD)

► PODTurbo ~ Amazon Seller Central POD Automation
Link: http://bit.ly/PODTurbo

► Merch Jar ~ Amazon Ads Automation
Link: https://bit.ly/AMZMerchJar (Code: RYANSMETHOD)


► Creative Fabrica ~ Graphics & Font Assets
Link: https://bit.ly/PODCreativeFab

► Kittl ~ User-Friendly Graphic Design
Link: https://bit.ly/JoinKittl

► Placeit ~ Suite of Design Tools
Link: http://bit.ly/GetPlaceit

► Vexels ~ Pre-Made Graphics & All-Over Patterns
Link: http://bit.ly/JoinVexels


👋 My name is Ryan & at age 30 I quit my day job. I used to work full time as a Sr. Front End Web Developer (I quit this job), & part-time as an adjunct professor teaching web development at a local university (I kept this job — I like teaching!). Both of my day jobs were awesome! But that couldn't change the fact that I'm completely addicted to the idea of building passive income streams that will allow me to retire from ever working a 9 to 5 job again.

The information shared on my YouTube channel & resources made available is for educational, informational purposes.

Affiliate Disclosure: The above description contains some affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you use these links to buy something (at no added cost to you).

#AmazonMerch #PrintOnDemandTools #RyansMethod

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