Bases 54-Aida Farhat-Full Disclsoure Now -Part 1

25 days ago

Introducing Aida Farhat, cofounder of the Full Discsloure Now conferences, held in Tampa, Florida.
Bases 54 is for Targeted Individuals, and Empowered Individals, to give their experiences to the public.
This introduction gives Aida her opportunity to explain how her traumatic life experiences have enriched her life, and how she has won through to be the Empowered woman she is now.
Founding this major new conference series, in StPets Beach, Tampa, first held in July 2024. Miles Johnston was asked to speak at this new event, and will do so again in 2025.

Adult traumatic events discussed.
How the Sex Industries have Reptilian ET connections.
This is part 1 of her account, in this Bases project series for TIs, and Experiencers.

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