Your Government is Lying to You

1 month ago

Your government has been lying to you, wasting your money, and feeding you propaganda to cover their corruption. THIS is the war between good😇 and evil👿, truth and censorship, freedom and control. The side you choose matters—and defending corruption?🤬That’s the wrong team. Duh🙄

“The truth is coming out. The question is—are you ready to face it? Wake up, speak up, and stop the insanity. For those still asleep? Cry harder. We’ll be here when you’re ready to admit you’re wrong.

Drop a 🔥 if you’re ready for the truth. Share this if you’re done with the lies. It’s time to choose a side.

#themaven #askthemaven #lauriefrazier #mavenofmoksha #GoodVsEvil #TruthBombs #StopTheCorruption #WakeUpCall #FreedomMatters #CryHarder #ExposeTheLies #DrainTheSwamp #UncensoredTruth #liberaltears #libtards

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