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LaMar shares that when God sings over His children, His melodies bring transformation, healing, and deliverance. The "songs of deliverance" in Psalm 32:7 indicate God's active presence, declaring freedom, victory, and redemption over every area of life. These songs not only reflect His saving power but also inspire creation and the testimonies of others to join in praise, filling the atmosphere with hope, encouragement, and grace. When God sings, everything truly changes.

Surrounded by God's Song: How His Melodies Transform You

"You are my hiding place. You protect me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah." Psalm 32:7

I want to show you how active God's presence is in your life. I found this secret while writing the book Sing to the King. First, God sings, and it all has to do with you. You see, God's melodies bring about real change in the lives of His children.

The idea that God sings and surrounds us with songs is challenging to grasp fully. This imagery goes beyond mere melodies or musical tunes; it speaks to a profound reality of God's presence and intervention in our lives.

The songs of deliverance that Psalm 32 refers to are not merely poetic expressions or abstract ideas. Instead, His songs are a tangible and transformational reality that brings about God's mighty deliverance.

The phrase "songs of deliverance" in the Scriptures signifies the power of God's salvation. God, in His infinite love and grace, surrounds, encompasses, and encircles us with songs proclaiming our healing, freedom, and rescue.

These are God’s melodies resonating throughout our lives. These songs of deliverance not only declare God's ability to rescue and save but also become the very cause of His mighty deliverance in our lives. Through these songs, God's transformative power is unleashed, bringing about forgiveness, healing, freedom, and overcoming challenging situations.

"You surround me with songs of deliverance" has multiple profound meanings:

First, Imagine God Himself surrounding us, singing songs that declare not only His ability to free and save you but that you are free, delivered, and healed. As He encircles us with His presence and grace, the melodies He sings over us proclaim His power to redeem and actually begin to transform us.

Bible scholars say that the idea of Him surrounding you means He is involved and active in every area of your life. He is present, He is encouraging, He cares, He is helping. He is both the initiator and the instigator of your rescue.

Second, God's deliverance inspires not only His songs but also the joyful songs of those He has previously saved. These songs of deliverance are the testimonies of others who have experienced His saving power. Their hidden voices subconsciously uplift us, filling the atmosphere with gratitude, encouragement, and hope.

Third, These songs of deliverance include creation itself. Nature joins in a grand symphony of praise, rejoicing in the redemption of God's people. The birds, winds, streams, and oceans all echo with the joy of salvation, filling heaven and earth with unheard melody.

Albert Barnes says nature seems to rejoice over the redemption of those who have been saved. Each element of the natural world appears to be filled with songs. The overwhelming joy of God's great salvation permeates the very fabric of the universe, making heaven and earth resound with melody.

I encourage you to meditate on how free God has declared you to be. He is constantly singing around you, proclaiming how able He is to free you and then He sings, "You are healed! You are saved; you are free! I, God, declare it, and I have the power to do it." It is like He is singing around the deathbed of a loved one, "You will live and not die!" or singing around the executive, “You are free from that addiction!"

God's reality, expressed in His songs, supersedes your circumstances, promising victory and transformation by His divine intervention. Remember, you will overcome because He sings over you His reality, not yours. When He sings, everything changes.

To delve into this more deeply, check out the book Sing to the King.

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