Adam Charles Hovey-Too much not too loud enough

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One of my new old songs! According to Bandcamp, it was released on September 3, 2016. I'm not the least bit sorry for how loud it is!
If y'all are curious about the meaning, ask. Don't forget to share!
There is percussion, but not the easiest to hear.
I chose the name because it is VERY loud.
Share with your friends!
Better yet, share with your enemy!
And, if you want to know how you can help me out, check this out;
And this;
Mixed using audacity before it became a total pain to use!
Yes, I quoted the Bible, if you're curious what version;
It's the one in closest proximity to me at the time the song was made (I think)
Equipment used,
Whatever FL Studios we were using in 2016!

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