More discussion on anti ballot initiative bill

1 month ago

Arkansas Voter Integrity Initiative Chair Joe McCutchen speaks against anti ballot initiative bills.

Several bills aimed at stopping people from being able to gather signatures for ballot initiatives were filed by Arkansas State Senator Kim Hammer and presented at the Arkansas State Capitol 2.11.25.

An article about this issue is below.

With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?
Sen. Hammer files series of bills that undermine individual and economic freedom
Conduit For Action Send an email16 hours ago 993 2 minutes read
In case you missed week four of our legislative report, we highlighted proposed legislation that could have a direct impact on your individual and economic freedoms. (Catch up on it here.)

Perhaps the most egregious series of bills were filed by Sen. Kim Hammer (R) of Benton. It’s unbelievable really, how any self-proclaimed Republican could file such freedom repressing bills — but here we are! These bills will be heard Tuesday, Feb. 11, in Senate State Agencies.

Here’s what you need to know:

❌ SB207-SB211: Making it Harder to Pass Initiatives and Ballot Measures — OPPOSE

These series of bills will make it harder to pass citizen initiatives and ballot measures put up for a vote by petition by the people. Some of the new regulations would require people collecting signatures to read entire portions of the proposed legislation, read aloud names and addresses of people signing, separately confirm information from people signing the petition outside of what is written on the petition such as requiring viewing of photo ID, and otherwise making it easier to disqualify signatures collected to place items on the ballot for a vote.

This undermines the individual and possible economic freedoms of the people to pass laws and make changes to their government.

❌ SB212: New Government Department with New Law Enforcement Officers — OPPOSE

Again, unbelievably, this government growth, freedom repressing bill is filed by a Republican! To make it worse, the sponsor of the bill (Hammer) has declared his candidacy for election of Secretary of State in 2026! This bill would create a new government department to administer new government regulations under SB207-211 (if passed) within the office of Secretary of State. It would allow/create a type of law enforcement officer within the Secretary of State’s office.

Named the “Document Validity Division,” this Orwellian named division would oversee the process of working to disqualify citizen petitions to place items on the ballot for a vote of the people for changes in their government. Broad government powers are granted to these “document validators” including issuing subpoenas, compelling witness attendance, collecting evidence, and requiring the production of documents and correspondence that the government deems relevant to their inquiry.

This bill grows government and reduces the freedoms of the people to make changes to their government and is an example that legislators can stay focused on the government as the answer–for too long!

🚨 Contact Senate State Agencies and tell the committee members to vote NO on these bills!

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