The snail gnaw and eat all the leaves of young trees within 1 minute 30 seconds

6 years ago

I walk in my garden encounter and recorded the clip. A snail is slowly gnawing at the leaves, just one minute 30 seconds it was eaten.

Unknown characteristics of snails:

1. Lifespan
The lifespan of snails depends on the type and the environment in which they live. Some species live only in 5 years, but the species can live longer than 25 years.

2. Snails is toxic?
Poisonous sea snails but most terrestrial snails are not toxic. If you poisoning after eating them, you must be sure not processed properly.
Cone snail species in the sea is one of the dangerous creatures to life in the world. With just one bite, you can also die.

3. Slime
slime snails help move more quickly through reduced friction. Snails often move in the way that others have slime secreted.

4. Moving
snail is one of the slowest moving creatures in the world. We usually go at a steady pace but can reach speeds of "dizzy" about 1.3 cm per second.

5.Slime of snails can eat
You can eat that snail slime secreted. Remarkably, some studies indicate that the viscous substance can be used to treat peptic ulcer disease.

6.Snails barely see anything
snails almost blind and we do not have the ability to hear. However, their sense of smell is highly developed. We can smell the smell of food in a few meters away.

7.Snails have teeth
We really have teeth. In fact, the average garden snail on 14 thousand teeth.

Thank you for watching

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