1 month ago

7:45 - The truth of my profile was reversed all over the place. I point out my actual psychology & they say "You reversed it", actually I pointed out my psychology & it was already reversed with you. Major difference.
18:10 - German Agents labeled me "a threat to agencies" based on my first book. Actually that book was a direct result of the circumstances.
18:45- Alt-Media was taking part in censorship with me since 2012. My books- how each involved different circumstances & a different psychology.
20:05 - German agents mislabeled reality to fit their delusional world. "He memorizes everything", you do not begin to know what you speak of. U find something out- never figure it out- and then from there invent a far-fetched delusional theory and slap it onto everything. Indiscriminant, just slapping ur false beliefs onto everything all over the place. YES, I NOTE YOU & YOUR MISTAKES, WHO WOULD NOT? Everywhere I am normal, and everywhere you have labeled me delusional- u are fucked in interviews. Quote me.
21:10 - I got labeled an alpha male which was a surprise to me. Fascinating. Its almost like amatuers do the profiling here. So then since I have been here in NC, Patsie and her officers put a video on the list at my YTube- or so I can safely guess, and it was about Sigma males, thats me. The reality is German agents have nothing right about me, they read what they believe into me (delusional), believe its all "subconscious"- THEY SEE IT but I do not, and then they react to HOW THEY THINK I AM, INSTEAD OF ME. Textbook delusional. In other words its there but I dont know it, and thats where I actually react from. Actually Im not vapid, get myself better than most, you have held me 23 years extra in Gang Stalking, and you have constantly falsely accused me by reading this fake profile into everything I do. I have pointed out where I have been the entire time, and you have ignored it out of sheer arrogance. YOU ARE LITERALLY READING INTO THINGS WHAT IS NOT EVEN THERE AND THEN RESPONDING TO WHAT IS NOT EVEN THERE.
21:40 - German agents do not think their viewpoints through & then go killing regardless- they are all cheap pieces of shit. They are incompetent to the point of killing because its MY loved ones paying, not theirs.
22:40. - ITS ALL INVENTED, WHAT GERMAN AGENTS BELIEVE. ITS NOT BASED ON ACTUAL PROFILING- THEIR MISTAKES ARE CONSTANT. My profile is as I point out, and they are in denial of the fact that I am not delusional. They rewrote everything to fit delusional and because of this they never see me. They are too busy seeing me as delusional to see that I have healthy normal psychology- beyond average actually.
24:30 - They say "U say cover ups are going on that makes U delusional", they then label EVERYTHING delusional. Actually Im grounded in reality unlike German agents. Yeah I say that. I also say you mislabeled everything about me as a result because you are incompetent. Crimes, cover ups, lying agents, does not change my profile. In the meantime my profile remains the same & you constantly falsely accuse me, and constantly react to a profile I do not have. You should have found out my perspective before u invented one for me & before you took action. You falsely and inaccurately say "Well ur delusional and we dont need to check ur psychology" & "It looks the way we believe". If you had been honest, you are never analyzing, you are simply reading what you believe into everything I say & do. Actually you perform with extreme predjudice and bias and can not even recognize it because you are so incompetent in the first place. ANY PROFESSIONAL can recognize you have performed this way & that "cover ups" does not equal "everything about him is delusional" & "everything is about manipulating". And in regard to manipulating you invented that. You literally invented that based on other things you had wrong about me in the first place. One false thing based on another- and this is you in the psychology department. Proveably incompetent, its why the FBI ARE WORRIED ABOUT INTERVIEWS.
27:50 - Its not about my psychology & motives, its about what you invented instead. So now you have a mess.
32:35- How you expect to figure out my psychology when you remove yourselves from the equation? To top it off German Agents do not look at the context of the circumstances so they have no way of figuring me out, because I do look at the circumstances & analyze. Which gets back to a point here- I am focused on reality, they are not. They somehow got it into their heads that I do not analyze reality, actually its how I am. So instead of analyze reality to determine where I am, my psychology, they invent where I am- make it fit delusional- and then react to their cartoon version of me. Thus incompetent & delusional as a result of their incompetence. Dangerous as a result as well.
34:00 - They never looked at things from my side of the fence, trained agents, and they never did it. They instead INVENTED my side of the fence.
37:30 - You labeled me with stereotypes which you believe in as "absolutes"- actually those are stereotypes which you make me fit. You should have been paying more attention, you should have started with my intelligence level. Before you went believing Im an idiot you should have checked what you believe. Your believing I am one does not actually make me one, which would mean your in a world of shit here. Your are PROVEABLE for your incompetence.
53:05- "SCENARIO PUSHES" - forced daydreams with technology- look at the wording. FROM these forced daydreams they assess and react. Literally from their delusional dreamworld of technology they go killing. Horvat came up with this, and it was always junk, never any reality to it. But apparently it got passed off to idiots as real and true. Yey anyone not an idiot can see that its tea leaves & delusional to be believing it, nevermind reacting to it. And in my case German fuck ups are killing based on this. Beyond incompetent. There is no sense of reality with these pushes- its to the exclusion of reality. There is not even a sense of time. The reality is that by the time I get to Germany all sorts of things will be different- thus there is no sense of reality to these, they are not realistic. Its a way of passing off technology Disney Land as real, yet there is no reality to this shit. Thats the point- they are delusional & reinforce it with their incompetence with technology.
56:45 - More delusional world of German agents. Apparently reality was too boring, so they invented an entire false script for themselves. Clearly its a dick waving contest on my end, you ignored reality, threw out cause & effect, removed you & your own ACTIONS for that cheap flaky viewpoint. Which is the point, you performed 23 years this way- you invent what to believe- not even based on reality- & you do not even double check your cheap comic book viewpoints.
58:45 - Once again labeled me as manipulating because we are too busy believing our own invented ideas instead of finding out before you went believing it.

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