Burn: New Beginnings (part 14)

1 month ago

*The Old One remains as close to the West as it can stand, Sumnaz having left ages ago. That beast already has reached deep into a new part of the earth...what seems to somehow be a forever growing part of the earth...that has been terribly scorched, the very ground and nearby rocks and hills a burnt black that soon gives a name to this place. This is the Darkened Earth and once Sumnaz enters it that beast finds it can get even closer to the bright that still glows so strongly along the West but it now cannot leave. Dannawthen explains such a shocking truth to the Old One when that fallen angel finally reaches the foul shoreline that the Old One has now made its home. He reveals that the Original Corners of Midnight will still serve as the Old One requests...they will take the blue it now has and will enter that Darkened Earth to slay those that try the same... but something will need to be done so that other evil can rule along the parts of the rest of the earth they will, for some reason, not be able to travel anymore. This is when Traul once more steps forward and offers to lead the werewolves and other nightmares who have already consumed his essence, and can approach the light in the West as well. He lets the Old One know he will be in charge of those monsters as they too attack any they find out there yet in his attacks he will look for those he can bend fully to the Old Ones will. It is then, months later, that Traul and some werewolves find Burn and Hawks group. While Burn and Hawk are out on patrol, the rest of their group thought safely hidden in an abandoned hospital, Traul and the werewolves arrive. They slaughter many before Burn and Hawk return, Hawk ordering Burn to take those left alive further to the light as he fights alongside what remains of his army. Hawk kills many wolves, gives Burn and the others more time to flee, yet is horribly wounded, torn up and will either die or be turned into the kind of evil he has fought for way too long. Hawks begins to be consumed by how unfair this is, how after all the good he has done this is the end he will find, and it is then that he notices Traul approaching*

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