30 Jan 2019 RR184 Kissing the Ring on the Hidden Hand

26 days ago

Team Brief with Felipe, George and special guest Eric 777 mirrored by Deception Detection Radio with Kay Carswell and Chad Riley.

Deception Detection Radio Network Presents
Resistance Rising with Johnny Cirucci
**Disclaimer: While this is a Christian podcast, our host at times becomes so filled with righteous indignation that a word may come out that wasn't intended. We ask you to please look over this and concentrate on the message. This is few and far between if at all. Thank you and God bless you!
* Should we question authorities like “science” and “astronomy”? Is there a reason such authorities would lie to us?
* From astronomy to psychiatry, the connections to Rome are hidden and surprising.
* Jung “broke” with Freud at Fordham.
*Jung worked for Knight of Malta William Donovan and the OSS to “analyze Hitler”.
* What is the relationship the Vatican has with Jews? —It’s more poisonous and shocking than you know!
* Did the Inquisition go away?
* The shocking truth about the Vatican and the Ustaše atrocities.
* What are the names of the families who rule the world in secret? —It’s not what the internet tells you.
* What do you call “an astronomer”, an atheist and a Jesuit? —A “Vatican debate”!
* How many skyscrapers collapsed into their own footprint on 9/11 in NYC?
* How is it possible for Catholic clergy to boldly defy Federal law and give safe harbor without consequence to illegal aliens?
* Is Hollywood run by Jews? What does Tom Cruise think?
* The “secular State” is a complete failure. Who is responsible for it?
* Is Halloween a Catholic “holiday”?

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