Ufo - alien technology - 1.0

1 month ago

Journey into the unknown, here are the scientific bases on which extraterrestrial technology is based.
The scientific bases of UFOs will be described, as well as questions of military power.
Basic points of this technology can significantly affect the understanding of these alien mechanisms.

1º General and basic principles.
Portuguese Brazil - http://tinyurl.com/mpk5s3ma
English - Page - 1 to 50: https://tinyurl.com/229zjvax
English - Page - 51 to 100: https://tinyurl.com/5fc28pxh
English - Page - 101 to 125: https://tinyurl.com/5n6pwrhu
English - Page - 126 to 150: https://tinyurl.com/yeyw3avd
English - Page - 151 to 192: https://tinyurl.com/mpva88s3

2º Weaknesses and defense systems.
Portuguese - Brazil - http://tinyurl.com/muce25a3
English - Page - 1 to 26: https://tinyurl.com/2s3fe6yu

3ª Applicability of systems.
Portuguese - Brazil - http://tinyurl.com/bdhn77bp
English - Page - 1 to 7: https://tinyurl.com/5n7yf9bt

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