It's Time

1 month ago

Homan pretty bluntly lays out how the Democrats intentionally made sure the borders were open and illegal aliens could flood the country, so they could cheat in elections.

The Director of ICE is just casually accusing the Dems of treason on national TV.
I think the People are starting to accept that our ruling class have been engaged in unprecedented criminality.

Sure there are the left-wing talking heads and brainwashed sheep who are still clinging to their false reality, but overall, the needle is moving.
Homan legt ziemlich unverblümt dar, wie die Demokraten absichtlich dafür gesorgt haben, dass die Grenzen offen blieben und illegale Einwanderer das Land überschwemmen konnten, damit sie bei den Wahlen manipulieren konnten.

Der Direktor des ICE beschuldigt die Demokraten im nationalen Fernsehen ganz nebenbei des Verrats.

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