2.11.25 - The Joe Mangiacotti Show - Tuesday

1 month ago

The Joe Mangiacotti Show – Opening Monologue

February 11, 2025 – 1 PM on WCRN 830 AM

Good afternoon, New England! Welcome to The Joe Mangiacotti Show—Common Sense Conversation for the Common-Sense Citizen—right here on WCRN 830 AM, where we cut through the noise, get to the facts, and call it like we see it.

We’ve got a packed show today, folks. A lot has been happening in the world of politics, government overreach, and—surprise, surprise—the left’s failed policies coming back to bite them. We’ll get into all of it, but let’s start with one of my favorite topics: accountability—or, in this case, the absolute lack of it when it comes to government overreach.

Let’s talk about Elizabeth Warren and the monster she created that’s now turned against her. It’s a little thing called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB. Warren and the progressives built this agency to be a regulatory sledgehammer—a government watchdog that could operate without any real oversight, without accountability, and—most importantly—without having to answer to Congress or the American taxpayer.

Well, what happens when you create an agency so independent, so outside the reach of the elected branches of government, that it no longer follows the will of the people? You get exactly what we’re seeing today. Trump-era officials figured out how to turn off the funding spigot, leaving the CFPB out in the cold. And guess what? Warren is furious. But guess what else? There’s nothing she can do about it.

She built this thing thinking her party would always be in charge, always pulling the strings. But in politics, power swings like a pendulum, and now it’s on the other side. She created an unaccountable bureaucracy, and now that it’s working against her, she’s screaming about how unfair it is. Oh, the irony. This, my friends, is why we don’t build government agencies that operate outside the control of the people’s representatives.

Now, we’re going to break this down in detail, but here’s the big takeaway: Be careful what you wish for. The same overreach Warren and the left built into the CFPB has now cut them off at the knees. And it’s a lesson for every politician who thinks they can rig the system to their advantage forever—because nothing in politics is forever.

But it doesn’t stop there, folks. This is part of a larger trend of progressive overreach that keeps blowing up in their faces. Just look at what’s happening in DuPage County, Illinois, where Democrats have taken control of the county board and are now trying to erase the legacy of Henry Hyde—a man who fought for decades to protect the sanctity of life by making sure your tax dollars weren’t funding abortion-on-demand.

Hyde was a principled, courageous legislator, but now that the left is in control of DuPage County, they want to erase him from history. They’re voting to remove his name from the county courthouse, and folks, let’s call it what it is—this is about ideological purging. It’s about rewriting history to fit a radical leftist agenda. They don’t care about fairness, legacy, or honoring history. They care about power, and when they get it, they use it to crush anything that stands in their way.

And speaking of Democrats mismanaging everything they touch, let’s talk about the job market. You’ve probably heard the mainstream media talking about how strong the economy is, how great the job numbers are—but let’s dig into the reality. The latest jobs report showed only 143,000 new jobs—way lower than expected. The media is spinning this like crazy, blaming bad weather, wildfires, or whatever excuse they can find, but the truth is simple: Bidenomics isn’t working.

And let’s not forget about the federal budget deficit—which has now skyrocketed to $838 billion in just the first four months of the fiscal year. That’s a $306 billion increase from last year. Revenues are barely up, but spending? Through the roof. The government is spending 15% more than last year, and this is while Biden and the left keep telling us how great things are. They are drowning us in debt, inflating the economy, and making it harder for every hardworking American to get ahead.

So here’s where we are, folks:

The left’s overreach is backfiring spectacularly—Warren’s CFPB is being starved of funds, and she’s powerless to stop it.
The progressive purge is alive and well—they’re trying to erase Henry Hyde’s name from the courthouse simply because they hate his conservative values.
The economy is not as strong as they want you to believe—job numbers are weak, inflation is still hitting your wallet, and the government is spending us into oblivion.

And yet, they keep demanding more control, more government, and more of your money.

So what do we do? We hold the line. We push back against the radical left and their constant attempts to centralize power in Washington. We demand accountability, fiscal responsibility, and policies that actually benefit the American people instead of bloated bureaucracies and radical social agendas.

I want to hear from you—have you had enough of this nonsense? Are you tired of government overreach, economic mismanagement, and historical revisionism? Call in at 508-871-7000, and let’s have a real conversation about where we go from here.

We’ve got a great show coming up. We’re going to dig deeper into the CFPB debacle, talk about the erasure of conservative history in Illinois, and expose the real numbers behind the economy. Plus, we’ve got some great guests joining us, so don’t go anywhere!

You’re listening to The Joe Mangiacotti Show, Common Sense Conversation for the Common-Sense Citizen—right here on WCRN 830 AM. We’ll be right back after this.

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