Double your strength in less than 3 months

1 month ago

Meet Rudy! 🎉

Rudy is in his 30s, a husband, a dad, and the owner of a drywall company. 🛠️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Rudy started training with me in 2024 with one main goal: to get stronger. 💪

He was tired of typical workout programs that left him sore and exhausted, with no way to quantify his strength. 🐹 He was stuck on the exercise hamster wheel.
What Rudy was doing before was exercising, not strength training.

🚨 Big difference! Most people you see at the gym are exercising—not strength training.

I told Rudy: Quantifying strength is simple. What do the numbers on the barbell tell you? 🏋️‍♂️ If the numbers are going up, you're getting stronger.

👉 In this video, Rudy is overhead pressing 160 lbs for a new PR!

When Rudy started about 9 months ago, he could only overhead press 85 lbs for 5 reps. His new PR of 160 lbs is proof of his strength. 🏆

📊 Here's Rudy's progress so far on the other lifts:
Squat: 120 lbs for 5 reps to 315 lbs for 5 reps
Deadlift: 175 lbs for 5 reps to 325 lbs for 5 reps
Bench Press: 140 lbs for 5 reps to 227.5 lbs for 5 reps

Next up for Rudy: Testing his 1 Rep Max and joining the 1,000 lb club! 🔥
If you're curious about how strong you are, load the barbell and see what you can do. The numbers on the barbell won’t lie—they’ll humble you. 🌟

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