Jeff & Princess caught staging a fake interview & stealing dialogue from DIAC READ DESCRIPTION

8 hours ago

Jeff Wiener already has a long history of staging fake interviews by using AI and/or voice cloning. He used to have a video of JD Miles doing a so-called "interview", which turned out to be all AI and/or voice cloning. When JD Miles called Jeff out on this and said he doesn't do interviews, Jeff put that video on private in order to cover his own ass. So, given the fact that he already staged an interview by using AI and/or voice cloning in the past, then it stands to reason that he and Princess did the same thing in their so-called "interview" with Kevin Teichen. When "Kevin" (which is AI and/or voice cloning, not the real Kevin) said on video that he wanted to shove ALL of my fingers in a garbage disposal and then turn it on full blast and then do it to each finger one by one for the sake of slow torture, and even give me a blood transfusion to keep me alive if necessary because killing me IMMEDIATELY wouldn't be too nice, that exact dialogue was stolen DIRECTLY from my autobiography, DIAC, aka Dreaming In Autistic Colors, at the beginning of chapter 15, except Jeff messed up on the last part of the dialogue because I originally said, "give (someone) a blood transfusion to keep them alive if necessary because killing them IMMEDIATELY would be WAY too nice in my opinion". Here is the link to DIAC to prove Jeff stole dialogue at the beginning of chapter 15:

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