The Trinity cults. The Greeks and Romans continued

1 month ago

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In these series of videos we will review trinity cults. We will explore the vast and wide common core beliefs and practices of commonly known trinity cults and their demigods. What do the Greek and Romans have if anything to do with Aztecs, Inca, and Mayans, Christianity, Mosels, Egyptian, and Asian Trinity Cults?

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How is it possible that so many have been deceived?
We all have experienced or witnessed some level of idol-worshiping. We all may not have notice or realized what was idol worship or pagan ritual. But I assure you…. we all have.

This not realizing is partly how many have been deceive, manipulated, coerced, and or drawn into idol worship and paganism.

This deception, manipulation, coercion, and or draw into idol worship and paganism is nothing new. In fact many if not each generation has been tested.

In the next lesson we will review recent cults and examine their religious practices. These cults have their roots in the ancient canaanite religion and occult. Which is really Fallen Angel worship. When we review these ancient Canaanite Fallen Angel worshiping religions and cults, we definitely uncover layers of deception. We also reveal manipulation, coercion, and the allure of idol worship and paganism.

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With Love,

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