How To Remove Property Taxes.

1 month ago

How To Remove Unlawful Property Taxes...
Hint: They're unlawful because when you recorded your home with the county, you were never given full disclosure of the terms.

Those terms were, "Hey you're volunteering to pay us money that you're not obligated to pay."

We teach what is the PUBLIC vs PRIVATE.

I know this is so hard to believe because a system has been set up for say 100 years or so....and as usual, the system gets corrupted.

This is not new to us.
Scott's been doing this for over 10+ years for people.

You're all here complaining.
Ok great.
You're awake.

But how do REMEDY and FIX the problem?
By learning about the LEGAL FOCKERY.

You entered a contract that lacked full disclosure of the terms. That's fraud.


You have no obligation to inform the government agencies which are private corporations, as to what you own.

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