This Reason Alone Determine Our Level Of Happiness In Life

5 hours ago

Dr, Manuela Sberna shared with us in this video how our interpretation of the world around us impacts our live. She encouraged parents and guardians especially to help to build mental toughness in their children to enable them withstands the challenges of life.

She further suggested that a little bit of stress is necessary in life for our wellbeing and that we should not always assumed that a parent has faild in their responsibilities as parents simply because of a one-off disorderly behaviour of their children as oftentimes have a personality of their own irrespective of what a parent do.

She also shared the surprising impact of religious belief in dealing with difficulties that comes with life for those wjo believe in a particular religion. This is however not to say that religious people are the only ones who can cope better with the challenges of life.

#pedroapollospodcast #pedroapollos #life #parents

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