Life Lesson

25 days ago

Finally our little mouse comes to the beautiful old tree where the bouncy tiger is still fast asleep.
After gently awakening the tiger the little mouse recounts his day and all about the lovely people he met along his journey. The tiger listened intently and is completely taken aback how many people and how much fun the little mouse has had along the very same road the tiger had come.
“How is it little mouse that I met no one and you had all this fun?” asked the tiger “even though we both took the same path”
“Because tiger your always in such a rush. Bouncing around here and there and never really appreciating the moment your in. You chose to run as fast as you could and to the destination. I chose to enjoy the journey, the fresh air, the countryside and my surroundings I was walking in. This gave me time to meet others and share in there joy and happiness. It isn’t the destination that’s important, yes it may be our final goal, it’s the journey however that’s truly important. It’s this very journey that makes and shapes our very lives it moulds us into who we are”
“Wow little mouse that is profound and it makes total sense to me. I’m going to from now on slow down and smell the roses, I’m going to enjoy the journey more than where I’m trying to get too.”
And together the little wise mouse and the bouncy Tiger slowly walked off together along the dusty road, each enjoying the moment and the journey they were on.

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