Ring That Bell

1 month ago

Sounds - Solunastar and Garageband
Vocals - Solunastar and Mo.Mo.C
Images - Google Gifs
Lyr-X - Solunastar and Mo.Mo.C
Text :

Hear me out…
Im swimming , dreaming, searching for you
In the sea of sound in the sea of the blue
Looking for a sign of the main line
Missing your smile at the same time
I have to move I have to breathe , deep
Floating on drums , my soul to keep
saving myself for the sake of my kids
What is a tree without seeds ?
Celebrating each day like it´s the last day
Would you be so kind to come out and play
Anyway , on this shiny day
Im not afraid , I'm on my way
See you at the silver shore my brother
And let us dance then fighting each other
See you when I’m done playing in the sun
Im still a kid I’m just having fun !

Ring that bell from heaven to hell !
In every heart every home every cell !
Let it be done ! done done done!
Children of the Sun ,Children of the Sun X 3

Play that drum like a sun of a gun !
Hey you with that keyboard, play one !
Kindly and beautiful , marvellous , Wonderful
Happiness is kinda Jungle-full!
Keeping it real is a rebel Seal
Semper fidelis is the main deal
To whom to be faithful if not you
Brother, sister , daughter , son too !
I never knew what ´s good for you
And when you smile I get the clue
I know that feeling inside of me
A beautiful smile can set me free
A thousand ways to be happy and we still complain
A thousand ways to get rid of pain
A thousand years and a ten thousand tears
Face your fears and love your dears !

Ring that bell from heaven to hell !
In every heart every home every cell !
Let it be done ! done done done!
Children of the Sun ,Children of the Sun X 3

Chilling in the hood …
and it’s not as it should !
Why oh why oh why ?
I still hear you cry ! !
Crying for things that you never need
Are you blind ? Just breathe !
Even the blind knows you are lying
And the kid is still crying
Let me be ! let me see !
Mankind as is meant to be
Children of the Sun !
And love for everyone !

Ring that bell from heaven to hell !
In every heart every home every cell !
Let it be done ! done done done!
Children of the Sun ,Children of the Sun X 3

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