How Soviet era propaganda continues to influence US public opinion

1 month ago

Abridged version of Video by Kim Iversen.

A discussion on the effects of Soviet Era Marxist influence on the post WW2 United States. The argument is made that many of the Marxist intellectuals that came to the united states were successful in promoting the grievances of minority groups to cause a bloodless revolution to demolish traditional structure in society, such as family, religious beliefs, and government organisations. Psychological guilt was used to motivate groups that had oppressed minorities to over react, and support minorities in their quest to demolish existing government organisations, and so open the way for marxism to become influential in society.

Original Video and related links here:

The author worked in Russia as an intelligence operator for the US.

"J. Michael Waller is the author of Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains. He’s not just an observer—he was inside the machine. He worked as an asset for CIA Director William Casey during the Cold War, was on the ground in Moscow as the Soviet Union collapsed, and has spent his career studying how intelligence agencies manipulate public perception. He holds a Ph.D. in international relations, taught the U.S. military how to counter propaganda, and even trained future intelligence officers in political warfare."

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