Exodus | The Bible (KJV) King James Version | Old Testament

1 month ago

Audio Bible. Listen to the full Book of Exodus in the King James Version (KJV) with text.

📖 Chapters
0:00 Exodus 1. Israel's Suffering in Egypt
3:02 Exodus 2. The Birth and Early Life of Moses
7:08 Exodus 3. The Burning Bush
12:24 Exodus 4. Signs for Moses and His Return to Egypt
18:00 Exodus 5. Pharaoh Increases the Israelites' Burden
21:44 Exodus 6. God Promises Deliverance
27:06 Exodus 7. Aaron’s Staff Becomes a Serpent & The First Plague: Water to Blood
31:04 Exodus 8. The Plagues of Frogs, Gnats, and Flies
36:40 Exodus 9. The Plagues of Livestock, Boils, and Hail
42:34 Exodus 10. The Plagues of Locusts and Darkness
47:54 Exodus 11. The Final Plague Foretold
50:01 Exodus 12. The Passover and the Death of the Firstborn
58:56 Exodus 13. Consecration of the Firstborn & The Pillar of Cloud and Fire
1:03:05 Exodus 14. The Parting of the Red Sea
1:08:48 Exodus 15. The Song of Moses and the Bitter Water Made Sweet
1:13:39 Exodus 16. Manna and Quail from Heaven
1:20:04 Exodus 17. Water from the Rock & Victory over Amalek
1:22:59 Exodus 18. Jethro’s Advice to Moses
1:27:32 Exodus 19. Israel at Mount Sinai
1:31:52 Exodus 20. The Ten Commandments
1:35:31 Exodus 21. Laws about Servants and Personal Injuries
1:40:55 Exodus 22. Laws about Property and Social Responsibility
1:45:45 Exodus 23. Laws about Justice, Sabbaths, and Three Annual Festivals
1:50:57 Exodus 24. The Covenant Confirmed
1:53:54 Exodus 25. Instructions for the Tabernacle: Ark, Table, and Lampstand
1:59:18 Exodus 26. Instructions for the Tabernacle’s Curtains and Framework
2:04:59 Exodus 27. Instructions for the Altar and Courtyard
2:08:21 Exodus 28. Instructions for the Priestly Garments
2:15:55 Exodus 29. Consecration of the Priests
2:23:42 Exodus 30. The Altar of Incense, Atonement Money, and Anointing Oil
2:29:41 Exodus 31. Bezalel and Oholiab & The Sabbath Law
2:32:30 Exodus 32. The Golden Calf
2:38:39 Exodus 33. Moses Intercedes & God's Presence Promised
2:43:01 Exodus 34. The New Stone Tablets & The Radiant Face of Moses
2:49:32 Exodus 35. Sabbath Regulations & Offerings for the Tabernacle
2:54:48 Exodus 36. Construction of the Tabernacle
3:00:09 Exodus 37. Construction of the Ark, Table, Lampstand, and Altar of Incense
3:04:38 Exodus 38. Construction of the Altar of Burnt Offering, Basin, and Courtyard
3:09:58 Exodus 39. Making of the Priestly Garments
3:16:33 Exodus 40. The Tabernacle Set Up and Filled with God's Glory


Exodus, the second book of the Bible, recounts the Israelites' dramatic deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai, and the establishment of God's covenant with His chosen people, laying the foundation for Israel’s identity as a nation under divine rule.

The Book of Exodus is a pivotal text in both Judaism and Christianity, forming the heart of the Torah (Pentateuch) and shaping the theological and historical framework of the Old Testament. Traditionally attributed to Moses, Exodus narrates God's intervention in history to rescue His people, revealing His power, justice, and faithfulness.

Set against the backdrop of ancient Egypt, the book begins with Israel’s oppression under Pharaoh and God’s call to Moses to lead them to freedom. Through a series of miraculous plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the destruction of Pharaoh’s army, God demonstrates His supremacy over human rulers and pagan gods. The Israelites’ journey through the wilderness, sustained by divine provision, culminates in the revelation at Mount Sinai, where they receive the Ten Commandments and the covenant that defines their relationship with God.

Exodus is not merely a historical account but a theological narrative of redemption, law, and worship. It establishes key themes that resonate throughout Scripture: salvation by divine grace, covenant obedience, and God’s dwelling among His people. The construction of the Tabernacle at the book’s conclusion symbolizes God's desire to be present with His people, foreshadowing the ultimate fulfillment of His plan in Christ.

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