What are the Akashic records and how do they work?

26 days ago

Akashic Records Readings:

The Akashic records are an etheric library of ALL things. Every thought, deed, timeline , experience, and memory is stored in the eternal record’s also known as the halls of Amenti.

When a soul achieves Christhood/ enlightenment and graduates past the third density reality, through right of passage, they may be granted access into these sacred halls of the akash. This can only happen fully for those who have completed specific spiritual evolution. (Although unfortunatelytely there are many who claim to read alashic records, these readings will not be clear without it coming from a Christed soul). There are energetic dangers with these type of readers.

If you are seeking spiritual guidance, Akashic record readings are the most divine sessions to allow you to get direct access to answers for many of your questions, to be introduced to some of your guides, to connect to angels, and to even retrieve soul and spiritual information from all other timelines, that can be extremely transformative on your life.

Sometimes even on Akashic record readings your passed over loved ones may come through as well as many spiritual guides and past life information that can assist in the remembrance of your purpose on earth at this time.

To schedule a personal Akashic record readings are, you can visit my website, and place your order. 🔮👁️🥰😇 after placing your order you will be messaged (or you can message me here to set a time).

Divine blessings soul family 💫✨🌟

Ellen Redd/Akashic Oracle

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