Nolan, you think this is chill?

6 hours ago

The idea of a general purpose service of neighbors helping neighbors.

This was literally designed from a 2005 invention from students people convention in Carnegie Mellon.

I was trying to figure out how to make an app so people could not waste food in terms of leftovers... If they have lots of perishable salad or tacos from say a work convention... You list it here, boom, neighbors show up, and there ya go.

Liability, don't worry.

Ebay isn't an auction
Paypal isn't a bank
Uber isn't a taxi

These big tech reinvented the very terminology to not be stuck in law made in every different county and such, just do what they did... They help society and society wouldn't want them gone at the behest of local county nonsense. This is legal stuff to let you know it's fine...

Gotta have a trust based system... Like Halloween candy distribution.

So a feedback system would be good to implement later, along with the token based trading.

Let me know if you enjoy this. I have a server and this runs on Android. It can compile to Apple, but Apple forces you to buy a Mac and Iphone to do that. I can get my friend to compile to it, but lets focus development on android. If you don't have an android phone, you can buy one for less than 50$ lots of electronic stores, don't have to activate the phone service, just use wifi.

Lets dev on Android and then release pops on APPLE iphones.

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