A soul refreshing mini retreat. San Clemente, CA

1 month ago

The spiritual SPA.
A soul refreshing mini retreat.
Reserve your spot today! Text (949) 444-4827

✨Subscribe: https://lifeinthespirit.today/free-gifts-for-spiritual-growth-and-renewal/

Candi Christman; Christian counselor, prophetic voice, trainer, and minister for Life in the Spirit and The prophetic Collective.
In addition she offers Spiritual Renewal Counseling, the spiritual SPA, Christian guided meditations, activations, and resources to connect you personally and interactively with Jesus.

🔎 Visit our Website:

👑 Spiritual Renewal:
A life-changing encounter with God. (Counseling)

💽 Store:
More ways to hear God's voice and grow spiritually. 🚀

📣 Testimonials:
Proclaim His greatness! Make known His deeds among the people! 1 Chr. 16:8 https://lifeinthespirit.today/sp...

🦦 Spiritual SPA:
Spiritually Prepare to Advance. Reserve your spot today! (Cost-Free)
Experience a retreat of soul nourishment and renewal at our Spiritual SPA, where prophetic ministry and healing prayer converge to deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Located in San Clemente, CA. Established in 2015.

🎁 Free Gifts:

🏡 NewSong House Churches:
A collective of house churches committed to outreach, discipleship, and worshiping Jesus extravagantly. 🙇🏽‍♂️ 🙌🏼

Our focus is to cultivate a place in our homes where we minister to Jesus out of the overflow, disciple with intentionality, and recognize, raise up and release every person and child to their fullest potential in Christ!

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