Here’s your real love story from Valentine.

1 month ago

February is Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) month. 💜👁💜

First let me tell you a true love story…
Saint Valentine was put in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helping Christian couples to get married. While he was in prison he prayed for a jailer’s daughter’s blindness to be healed, and she was healed in the name of Jesus!!

Valentine was executed on February14, 269 AD (year of our Lord ✝️) because he refused to deny Jesus Christ before Emperor Claudius! WOW! Bold as a Lion!

Valentine left a note 💌 to the jailer’s daughter before his execution and he signed it ~ ‘Your Valentine’. 🥺😭✝️❤🌹

I do not know what kind of eye blindness the jailer’s daughter had before she was healed by the stripes and blood of Jesus Christ.
RP is what I have and I thank Jesus for stopping this disease from progressing any further and for fully healing my sight 🤩!

What is RP? It is a hereditary disease which affects the retina. This disease vary from person to person. Not all people who have RP are the same. RPs are usually progresses to shrinking your visual field. OR in some cases total blindness. RP’s also restrict your light vision and leave you in total blackness at nighttime.

I found a video that someone made, that will give you AN IDEA to what RP people can usually see in daylight.

Hymm Of Heaven | Hebrew - Arabic - English | Worship from Jerusalem 🎶 I do not own the right to this song, all credits goes to the original song artist.

#Abba #HolySpirit #Yeshua #Jesus #gospel #goodnews
#deaf #hardofhearing #coda #hearing #ASL #americansignlanguage #PSE #Pidginsignlanguage #interpreter #translator #SpiritualEarsForTheDeaf #Valentine #Retinitis Pigmentosa #RP

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