Late Night Freak Sesh w/ the boiz(STREAM CRASHED WE BACK) (no homo)- CHIVALRY 2 W/ @iViperKing & @StuffCentral

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We've been invited to tag along with some of Rumbles best to clown around on some Chivalry 2 tonight. Not too sure how long we gonna go for but we gonna rock it. Not here for a long time, just a good one. Thanks for stopping by, the reception to the variety has been way better than expected.

Chivalry 2 is a 2021 multiplayer hack and slash action video game developed by Torn Banner Studios and published by Tripwire Interactive. The sequel to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (2012), the game was released on June 8, 2021, for Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X and Series S.

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