The Reich Underground | Part 1: Fact or Fantasy, Miracle Weapons & Slave Labour | 2004 Documentary

3 days ago

The Reich Underground | Part 1: Miracle Weapons & Slave Labour | Free Documentary History

Take most of this nonsense with a grain of salt:
Although I do like to watch the archival film footage.

Firstly, I don't know when these interviews were done, But I call bullshit. This is 2024, and I'm guessing these projects were near the end of the war. So let's say it was 1943. And, the youngest person they mentioned was 14 years old. Here's the math:
2024-1943=81 years ago, and so a person of the minimum age of 14 at the time would be 95 years old today at this time.
Okay, even if these men were interviewed in say the year 2004 (20 years ago) these men do not look to be in their 70s, if they are, I would say that the torturous treatment by the Nazi's did them a lot of good... Because they look great.
And, why would any nation use slave labor to build rockets or airplanes; when even the tiniest issue could disable the entire Luftwaffe or infantry, such as a faulting rivet, a hairline crack, so many small things could end the war for them. You would need a supervisor for every position on the assembly line. Nobody with a brain would use slaves for mechanic or machinist work.

Now straight labor such as rock breaking, or mining, sure, that makes sense, but not under fed starving slaves, that again would be impossible. I hate that documentaries still feel they must lie to us. To use this type of nonsense to turn history into a fable of evil against the good guys. The one guy claims how cold he was and had thin clothes, well buttercup it pretty hot underground, ask any miner...

For instance, here is an excerpt from the text book: The Temperature Of The Earth As Shown By Deep Mines

Observations were then given upon temperature at every 100 feet in the Forman shaft of the Overman mine, running from 53 degrees at a depth of 100 feet to 121.2 degrees at a depth of 2,300 feet. The temperature increased in these three mines:

100 to 1,000 feet deep, increase 1 degree in 29 feet.
100 to 1,800 feet deep, increase 1 degree in 30.5 feet.
100 to 2,300 feet deep, increase 1 degree in 32.3 feet.

A table was presented giving the temperatures of numerous deep mines,

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