So I got a funny accent

1 month ago

I wish I could sound like I was from the south it's a lot better than New York City accent. then again my accent makes me me. it's who I am it's where I was from it's how I was raised and it's the toughness that I still display to this day for everything in life! I come at it head on and I go where you really are you really going to fuck with me like that? I got another dream for you sweetheart you ain't going to do shit to me. I haven't made it this far just to fold your feet!
my mama may have not raised me but she sure as hell instilled in me a tough woman. I've gone through my bowels and I will go through many more for that is the life I have been given. and whether I like it or not that's just it life isn't there for you to like it's there for you to live. and live it I shall good bad and ugly because I'm from New York City and I was raised like one. ain't nobody going to tell me otherwise

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