Fallout 4 The Castle & Tunnels settlement Build

26 days ago

Welcome to my restored Fallout 4 Minutemen Castle & tunnels settlement build tour. I really tried to make this settlement feel like it was lived in, fully utilized and almost like they were running out of space as their forces had grown so much, as well as being the most secure settlement in the commonwealth. Complete with all the facilities that would be needed to sustain such a force (laundry, abundant stores of food ,drinks medical facilities, canteen ect) and amenities that would make your average recruit want to stay and even loathe the idea of leaving as life within the castle was so much better than out.
well hope you like the build I didn't go to crazy building to many additional structures tried to utilize the castles space as much as possible.
I think the tunnels turned out really well and allowed me to add a lot of facilities in a logical place.
Please give a like and stuff if liked.

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