Cory Hughes-JFK The Day of the Shooting 1: Morning through the First Shots

3 days ago

continues from:
David Ferry firing the first shot from the near corner of the knoll, close to Zapruder, which hits Kennedy in the throat. Throws his rifle to spotter who Hughes names as Blackman.
Then a barrage of (6-7?) shots from Howard (TSBDepository snipers nest) Loran Hall (other 6F shooter, 2-3 shots, likely hit Gov Connely) William Seymore (running TSBD elevators) Emilio Santana (Dal Tex bldg)
Jack Valenti fires the head shot from fence, climbs to the rail, over the triple underpass and down the other side, picked up by the car behind Jackie's, steps onto the running board with Morales

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