Shadows of Balic Season 1 Episode 2 In the face of the innkeeper

2 days ago

The Party arrive at Balic and quickly find both opportunity and trouble.

Shadows of Balic Season #1 Contest Rules

Weekly Contest-
To participate in the Shadows of Balic Season#1 Weekly Contest you must-
#1- Have a valid email address to receive the prize with.
#2- Be subscribed to the Slow Children, at Play channel on whatever platform you are viewing season 1 of Shadows of Balic on.
#3- Comment the correct answer to the question of the given episode during the time allotted for that episode’s contest; see below for details on contest opening and closing times. *~
Winners will be chosen by random drawing of entries submitted via rule #3.
~ The operators of the Slow Children, at Play channel are the sole arbiters of what constitutes a “correct answer” for the purposes of eligibility for participation in the Shadows of Balic Season #1 Weekly Contest.
* Each weekly contest will open for contestant participation upon the premiere of that week’s episode of Shadows of Balic and will close 1 second before the day of premiere of the following episode, or in the case of the final episode of the season exactly 1 week to the second of that episode’s premiere. After the closing of a particular contest no more entries will be considered for the drawing.
Winners will be announced on the Slow Children, at Play live stream the week following the premiere of the episode in question. To claim their prize winners must validate their Identity by providing the operators of the Slow Children, at Play channel with a valid email address, then follow the instructions sent to that email address to confirm they are the same person who made the winning entry. Failure to follow through with the validation process prior to the premiere of the next episode will result in forfeiture of the prize. If a prize for a given episode’s Shadows of Balic weekly contest is forfeited or goes unclaimed, that prize will be added to the next Shadows of Balic weekly contest. If after the end of the last Shadows of Balic weekly contest for Season #1 there are unclaimed prizes, they will be rescinded as such and go unawarded.
The prizes awarded to the winners of the Shadows of Balic Season #1 weekly contest will be an electronic game token, chosen by the operators of the Slow Children, at Play channel. The prizes will be distributed to the winners of the contest via email within 2 business days of the conformation of the winner’s identity.

Season Long Contest-
To participate in the Shadows of Balic Season #1 Contest you must-
#1- Have a valid email address to confirm your identity with.
#2- Be subscribed to the Slow Children, at Play channel on whatever platform you are viewing season 1 of Shadows of Balic on.
#3- Comment the correct answer to the question of all the episodes of season #1 of Shadows of Balic during the time allotted for the season #1 contest; see below for details on contest opening and closing times. $~
#4- Have a valid mailing address within the United States of America.
~ The operators of the Slow Children, at Play channel are the sole arbiters of what constitutes a “correct answer” for the purposes of eligibility for participation in the Shadows of Balic Season #1 Contest.
$ Participants in the Shadows of Balic Season #1 contest have until the premiere of the Slow Children, at Play live stream, the Friday following the premiere of the last episode of season #1 of Shadows of Balic, to comment on the episode in question, the correct answer to those episode’s questions.
A winner will be chosen at random and announced on the following Slow Children, at Play live stream. To claim their prize, winners must validate their Identity by providing the operators of the Slow Children, at Play channel with a valid email address, then follow the instructions sent to that email address to confirm they are the same person who made the winning entry. Failure to follow through with the validation process prior to the premiere of the next Slow Children, at Play Live Stream will result in forfeiture of the prize. If the prize is forfeit another drawing will be held and the winner will be announced on the Slow Children, at Play live stream the following week. This process will be repeated until the prize is awarded, or the list of eligible contestants are exhausted. If no eligible winner of the Shadows of Balic Season #1 contest claims the prize, said prize will be rescinded as such and go unawarded.
The Prize for the Shadows of Balic Season #1 contest is a handmade chain maile dice bag made of golden colored aluminum rings.
For an off-platform copy of these rules you can click the following link.

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