Shooting From The Hip 16 - Aether Pneuma Prana Qi/Chi Lifeforce

1 month ago

Pneuma - ancient Greek word for "breath" & in a religious context for "spirit" or "soul", "air in motion, breath, wind", This usage is the earliest of the term in philosophy. Anaximenes: observes that "just as our soul (psyche), being air (aer), holds us together, so do breath (pneuma) & air (aer) encompass the whole world"
Prana - In yoga, Indian medicine & Indian martial arts, prana (praṇa; the Sanskrit word for breath, "life force" or "vital principle") permeates reality on all levels including inanimate objects.
Qi, (Chi) - In traditional Chinese culture & the East Asian cultural sphere, qi, also ki or ch'i, is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Literally meaning "vapor", "air", or "breath", the word qi is often translated as "vital energy", "vital force", "material energy", or simply as "energy"
Life Force: noun - the force or influence that gives something its vitality or strength - the spirit or energy that animates living creatures
Aether (classical element): According to ancient & medieval science, aether (aither, ether), also known as the 5th element or quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. Classical elements typically refer to EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE & AETHER Fifth Element: In Plato's Timaeus (written 360 BCE) spoke about air, Plato mentions that - there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether

Aristotle, Plato's student at the Academy, agreed with his former mentor, emphasizing additionally that fire has sometimes been mistaken for aether - It is neither hot nor cold, neither wet or dry - later commentators started referring to it Aether as the 5th element
Quintessence: is the Latin name of the 5th element used by medieval alchemists for a medium similar or identical to that thought to make up the heavenly bodies
AIR: is not one of the traditional 5 Chinese classical elements. Nevertheless, the ancient Chinese concept of Qi or chi is believed to be close to that of air. Qi is believed to be part of every living thing that exists, as a kind of "life force" or "spiritual energy"

Classical elements: - typically refer to water, earth, fire, air & (later) aether, which were proposed to explain the nature & complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances.

Ancient cultures in Greece, Tibet & India had similar lists, sometimes referring in local languages to "air" as "wind" & the fifth element as "void".

SOUL ENERGY: Also known as spirit energy, this is the most subtle type of energy & has a close affiliation with your emotions. “It can be translated in many different ways such as your mind, spirit, consciousness, vitality, expression, soul & energy.

Energy (esotericism): Proponents & practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality & alternative medicine refer to a variety of claimed experiences & phenomena as being due to "energy" or "force" that defy measurement & thus are distinguished from the scientific form of energy

In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer ignited debate with his theory of animal magnetism. Attention to vitalism grew in the 18th & 19th centuries. Animal magnetism, also known as mesmerism, name given by German Dr Franz Mesmer in the 18th century to what he believed to be an invisible natural force (Lebensmagnetismus) possessed by all living things, including humans, animals & vegetables

He believed that the force could have physical effects, including healing & he tried persistently but without success to achieve scientific recognition of his ideas.

What Science Says. It is not the scientific concept of energy that is being referred to in the context of spirituality & alternative medicine. As Brian Dunning writes:
That's all that energy is: a measurement of work capability. But in popular culture, 'energy' has somehow become a noun. "Energy" is often spoken of as if it is a thing unto itself, like a region of glowing power, that can be contained & used. Here's a good test. When you hear the word "energy" used, substitute the phrase "measurable work capability". Does the usage still make sense? Remember, energy itself is not the thing being measured: energy is the measurement of work performed or of potential
Mysticism - is popularly known as any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning, but may refer to becoming one with God or the Absolute
Enlightenment: the emphasis on feeling, on intuitive insight, on a true essence beyond the world of appearances
ORGONE: a vital energy held to pervade nature & be a factor in health in the theories of Wilhelm
Piezoelectricity - is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials -- such as crystals, certain ceramics & biological matter such as bone, DNA & various proteins - in response to applied mechanical stress.
The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure & latent heat

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