Buenos Aires, Argentina UFO

1 month ago

Recorded near Buenos Aires, Argentina. This video was stabilized by me. No date or time of the event was given.

I translated the comments of the one who recorded the event:

"Exactly the same, a little flatter, grey in colour, on Route 3 Km 40 coming back from Cruz del Sur, it was so real it wasn't even worth telling, they wouldn't believe me, it crossed from left to right at the same speed as me, 100 km/hour, first it appeared, then it got alongside me almost vertically, and then it crossed me to see it on my right more open, with more perspective, it got parallel and accelerated so hard that it literally disappeared, it took several photos of the truck with me inside, for what came next I would have been abducted, I would surely have had a better time on another planet."

Original comments in Spanish:

"Exactamente igual, un poco más chato, de color gris, sobre Ruta 3 Km 40 volviendo del Cruz del Sur, de tan real no valía la pena ni contarlo, no me iban a creer, cruzó de izquierda a derecha a mi misma velocidad, 100 Km/Hora, primero apareció, luego se puso a la par casi vertical, y luego me cruza para verlo a mi derecha más abierto, con más perspectiva, se puso en paralelo y aceleró tan fuerte que literalmente desapareció, se llevó varias fotos de la chata conmigo adentro, por lo que vino después me hubiera abducido, de seguro la pasaba mejor en otro planeta."

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