Poison For The King By Victorien Sardou

1 month ago

Poison For The King
By Victorien Sardou
Translated and adapted for broadcasting by Norman Ginsbury and Jacques Sarch

In 1677 the French court was rocked by a plot to assassinate King Louis XIV. Many high-ranking noblemen and -women were implicated, including the monarch's own mistress, Madame de Montespan, mother of his illegitimate children. "The Affair of the Poisons," as it came to be known, was carefully hushed up to avoid public scandal, and the perpetrators quietly disposed of. This dramatic account of the uncovering of the murder scheme is simple, straightforward, and immensely powerful in its rendition of an almost incredible real-life event.

L'Abbe Griffard: Howard Marlon-Crawford
Louis XIV: Roger Delgado
La Marquise de Montespan: Margaret Whiting
Colbert: Ivan Brandt
Mile D’Ormoize: Elizabeth London
De La Reynie: George Merritt
Sagot: Richard Williams
Le Chevalier Hector de Tralage: David Spenser
De Louvols: Baliol Holloway
La Voisin: Betty Baskcomb
Mlle Desoeillets: Sheila Grant

Other parts played by Barbara Greenhalgh and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company

Produced by Wilfrid Grantham
Saturday-Night Theatre
Mon 26th Jan 1959
15:00 on BBC Home Service Basic

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