Anthropogenic Factor in the Ocean's Demise | Popular Science Film

1 month ago

New documentary came out today produced by ALLATRA.
Anthropogenic Factor in the Ocean's Demise | Popular Science Film

In this film, you will learn:

The Discovery That Shook the World. How did Captain Charles Moore uncover the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and what does it mean for our planet?

-The Ocean Today: An Invisible Crisis. What is the true state of the world's oceans, and what role do they play in the climate system?

Plastic Under the Microscope. How are microplastics and nanoplastics changing the fundamental properties of water, and what impact does this have on the global ocean?

-Why Are the Oceans Heating Up Faster? What hidden factors are accelerating ocean warming, and what are the consequences for humanity?

Rescue Technologies: Myth or Reality? What innovative solutions could help restore balance to marine ecosystems?

-The Future of Our Planet. What challenges will humanity face in the fight for a stable climate future?

This large-scale investigation was inspired by the Apostolic Blessing granted to the participants of ALLATRA by His Holiness Pope Francis.

#Ocean #plastic


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