We The People - Protecting Our Children Part 3

1 month ago

Educational Options with Homeschooling, Unschooling, Deschooling

Part 3 of this 3-part talk series is all about Alternative Education Options, as the schools are falling hard for the vaccine industry standards which cause severe fear, biovocation and segregation in schools.

Some questions that are relevant:

What is happening to our children as an effect of the global plandemic implications?
It is important to comprehend the psychological impacts of the programming that inevitably occurs for the younger generations as we each navigate these uncertain times.
Our younger generations will be our next succession and are we imparting them with the ability to think for themselves? Are we teaching them how important it is to be courageous?
That it is ok and healthy to stand out and be unique?
Are we teaching to learn about their sovereignty instead of group-think mentalities?

Join Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, Imani Mamalution, Dr. Pam Popper, Reinette Senum, Dr. Tom Cowan for the third in this series of compelling and informative conversations.

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