Reading Aloud with Maggie Allyn

1 month ago

Maggie Allyn is a homeschool mom who is passionate about reading aloud with her kids. You'll love hearing her chat with Emilie about the amazing benefits of reading aloud - everything from academics to relationships. This is the perfect boost of encouragement to grab a great book and maybe even some hot cocoa and cozy up with your kiddos to read during the "winter blues" season of homeschooling.

00:00 Introduction
Host Emilie Lunt welcomes Maggie Allyn, a homeschool mom of four, to discuss building relationships with children through living books and literature-based education.

01:35 What Are Living Books?
Maggie explains the concept of living books, a term coined by Charlotte Mason, and why they’re so impactful in education.

04:10 From Struggles to Success
Maggie shares how her son’s dyslexia and diverse learning styles in her family led her to adopt a literature-based homeschool approach.

08:00 A Day in a Literature-Based Homeschool
An inside look at how Maggie integrates literature with history, science, and other subjects in her daily homeschool routine.

12:40 Reading Aloud to Build Family Culture
Maggie highlights how reading aloud fosters deep relationships, shared memories, and rich conversations in her family.

18:15 Developing Empathy Through Stories
How living books and read-alouds teach empathy and connect children with God’s Word in practical, life-applicable ways.

24:00 Practical Tips for Starting Literature-Based Learning
Maggie offers actionable advice for moms wanting to incorporate reading aloud and living books into their homeschool routines.

31:30 Encouragement for Moms
Maggie’s heartfelt encouragement to moms about finding their family’s unique approach to homeschooling and trusting God in the journey.

Have a question, comment or suggestion for the show? E-mail Emilie at - She'd love to hear from you!

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