⚒️2025👷‍♂️01-03 🪖Construction @ Work -20 Relocating Cinder Block Wall With The Loader Machine & Cleaning The Yard In Ottawa 🍁 Canada ❄️

13 days ago

To install a cinder block wall, you need to:

Plan Footing: Make sure the poured concrete footing is twice the width of the intended concrete wall.
Create Trench: Use a trenching machine or a trenching shovel to dig down below the frost level for your area.
Pour Concrete.
Snap Chalk Line.
Establish Two Leads.
Mix Mortar.
Lay Mortar Base.
Lay Cinder Block Leads.
Lay Cinder Block Corners.
Fill the Joints.
Install Reinforcing Rods.
Install Wall Caps.

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