Blindspot 144 Dugin -‘New Age of Empires’; Trump Gaza EthnicCleansing; French4ces out of Chad

27 days ago

Blindspot 144 - Alexander Dugin on ‘New Age of Empires’; Trump’s Gaza ethnic cleansing; French forces withdraw from Chad; Dark times in the DRC: Africa’s WWI repeating?

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Non-AI Opening Monologue (The clash of multipolarity)

We open delivery 144 with a tale of two land grabs. On the one hand, or in one corner of the geopolitical wrestling ring we have King MAGA proclaiming that the USA will occupy, clear, and remake Gaza in the image of Mar-a-Lago, or at least some postmodern riviera built on the skeletons of genocided Gazan’s. On the other hand we have King MAGA proclaiming about the ills of South Africa’s land expropriation bill, framed as instrument to go after Afrikaner land. So, a land grab in South Africa = bad, but, land grabbing in Gaza = GOOD!

Blindspot has warned on many occasions that Trump will be a disaster for the Middle East, and well, here we have it. Meantime, between all the bluster we pick up how King MAGA’s Secretary of State Marco Rubio argues multipolarity is the ‘natural state’ of the world system, and that the movement away from unipolarity is a process of normalisation of the world system. Very intriguing, leaving us asking later - based on Alexander Dugin’s thinking - are we now heading into a clash of multi-polarities? Or, are the Americans reappropriating the term multipolarity, and deploying it for other nefarious geopolitical objectives?

- The clash of multipolarities?
- Marco Rubio surprises with statement on multipolarity
- Alexander Dugin - Multipolarity, Civilisational states and the New Age of Empires
- Trump wants to colonise Gaza and have 1.5 million Palestinians move to Jordan and Egypt (even Saudi Arabia has been floated as having enough space)
- Saudi response - take Israelis to Alaska
- France hands over last military base in Chad
- DRC - remembering Africa’s First World War


PRAVDA. 2025. Lavrov called Rubio’s words recognising multipolarity interesting. 5 February, 2025.

Dave DeCamp. 2025. Israeli settler leaders welcome Trump’s call for ethnic cleansing in Gaza. 5 February, 2025.

Middle East Eye. 2025. “Take the Israelis to Alaska”, Saudi official mocks Netanyahu and Trump. 8 February, 2025.

Joseph Massad. 2025. Trump’splan to colonise Gaza echoes failed 19th-century American missions. Middle East Eye, 7 February, 2025.

Trita Parsi. 2025. What Rubio said about multipolarity should get more attention. Responsible Statecraft. 3 February, 2025.

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