Kanye Deletes Twitter Account After SNL Comedian Claims Nobody Bullied Him For Wearing MAGA Hat

6 years ago

I wish I bullied you," Davidson continued. "I wish I suggested that, you know, it might upset some people, like, your wife or every black person ever. You know?" 

Davidson said it was a sad state of affairs for him to scolding West about politics. "You know how wrong about politics you have to be for me to notice?"

“Kanye is a genius, but like a musical genius," Davidson added. "Like Joey Chestnut is a hot dog-eating genius, but I don’t want to hear his opinion about things that aren’t hot dog-related.” 

Speaking about Kanye's "off the meds" comments, Davidson said, "Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass, okay?"

He closed the segment by donning a version of a MAGA hat that read, "Make Kanye 2006 Again."

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