S09 E22 YIELD REPORT – Indoor Cannabis Grow - Full Harvest Report - Bud Weights & Cannabis Closeups

18 days ago

This is our Season 9, 4-Plant Organic Cannabis Grow, Yield Report!
🪴🪴🪴 SHOW US YOUR CANNABIS GROW ON DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9XMfGHSdJ2🪴🪴🪴
This season we are growing:
Sacred Cream ("Faith") - TERPYZ Mutant Genetics @terpyzmutantgenetics
Vanilla Pulao ("Hope") - TERPYZ Mutant Genetics @terpyzmutantgenetics
WHAM Strain ("Honor") - Rocket Seeds @RocketSeeds
Cinderella C99 ("Grace") - Quebec Cannabis Seeds @quebeccannabisseeds3442
[00:00] Season 9 Finale
[01:31] Overall Grade: B+
[02:10] Soil Recipes: Seedling Soil Recipe
[04:31] Soil Recipes: Veg Soil Recipe
[05:54] LIGHT: We Are Confident About Our Light. Might Increase PAR Sooner After Flip To Control The Stretch
[07:59] WATER: Dry-back as seedlings, and then “continuous hydration”.
[10:17] GNATS: Intermittent annoyance
[13:38] VPD: strayed from “the zone” and went higher humidity in flower – (Our Downfall?!?)
[15:54] UP- POTTING HACK – We Use Pre-Moistened Soil When Up-Potting
[17:09] BUD-SITES (PINCHING): going to keep aiming for 40-50 bud-sites
[18:10] BUD NODES: Growing Top Nodes Only For Quality. Went ALMOST RIGHT to the top, watching canopy and node tightness.
[21:33] TRICHOMES: All of them were super frosty. Why?!
[23:06] HARVEST TIMING: Harvested earlier than I’d have liked to. Would have gone another week but life goes on!
[25:35] HARVEST PREP – WATER: Stopped Watering 5 Days Before Harvest: Is that bro science?: Life got in the way LOL! Life got in the way LOL
[27:43] HARVEST PREP – LIGHT: Reduced PAR / PPFD For The Last Few Days Because “Winter Is Coming”
[30:24] DRYING CONDITIONS: We Are Drying At 68/60 Instead Of 60/60
[31:38] EXPLAINER VIDEO – Drying Cannabis With Dew Point
[33:43] DRYING PERIOD: The Sweet Spot Is 7-10 Days
[34:54] EXPLAINER VIDEO: How To Harvest, Dry, Trim, & Cure Cannabis – Step By Step: https://youtu.be/pIyfTtrKyZo?si=Oa3BdQPh1Ekj3eYZ
[39:11] GROVE BAGS: This Is Our Favourite Method For Curing And Storing Our Cannabis. Remember: don’t over/under fill. Bags Should Be 50% - 80% Full For Best Results.
[44:27] BUD PR0N: Closeups And Full Explanations Of Each Plant’s Yield, Appearance, Aroma, And “Bag Appeal”
[44:40] FAITH: 5.26 oz. (dense bud) / 0 oz. (larf)
[47:52] HOPE: 5.96 oz. (dense bud) / 0 oz. (larf)
[00:52:44] HONOR: 4.66 oz. (dense bud) / 0 oz. (larf)
[00:55:32] GRACE: 5.82 oz. (dense bud) / 0 oz. (larf)
TOTAL TRIM: 3.5 oz.
TOTAL YIELD (includes dense buds & larf): 21.7 oz.
That is 1.36 pounds … so close!!!
[01:00:43] LOVE you Guys! Thanks for Watching! ❤️❤️❤️
[01:00:50] DumbStuff

✼✼✼ Useful Links for Cannabis Growers ✼✼✼
🔗 OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9XMfGHSdJ2
🔗 Our Cannabis Grow Spreadsheet:
🔗 Our "How to Water Cannabis" Video: https://youtu.be/3Uck0o5-eWo
🔗 Our Cannabis Grow Lights Explainer Video: https://youtu.be/6ITrykoUniA
🔗 VPD Chart: https://bit.ly/VPD-Chart-for-Cannabis
🔗 DLI Charts: https://bit.ly/Cannabis-DLI-Charts
🔗 DLI Calculator: https://bit.ly/DLI-Calculator

✼✼✼ Product Links & Discount Codes ✼✼✼
🔗 Plant Yoyos - https://bit.ly/PlantYoyos
🔗 Canuk Seeds - where we got this season's cast
🔗 GOVEE Hygrometer / Thermometer
🔗 PAR Meter - http://amzn.to/3UKh3X4
🔗 Watt Meter - https://amzn.to/3hERDLK
🔗 PH Pen - https://amzn.to/3Ee8Tjg
🔗 Thermometer Hygrometer Unit - https://amzn.to/3Ivk8qh
🔗 Happy Frog Soil - https://amzn.to/3YBSTzZ
🔗 Jiffy Peat Pellets - https://amzn.to/40OIK4t
🔗 Tray & Dome - https://amzn.to/3Xkmexq
🔗 Seedling Heat Mat & Thermostat - https://amzn.to/3YI7YQb
🔗 Seedling Light - https://amzn.to/3IiBLJE
🔗 Stash Box & Other Fine Tools from BlueBus: https://bluebusft.com/?ref=uILocV0C
🔗. Grove Bags for Curing:
Use this 5% discount code to save money: GrowDaddyTV
https://autocure.ca in Canada
https://grovebags.com in U.S.
🔗 MARS HYDRO 3% Discount Code: GrowDaddyTV
https://www.marshydroled.ca in Canada
https://www.mars-hydro.com in U.S.

All our amendments are organic and we use Gaia Green
Check for out-takes and dumb stuff at the end of lots of our videos!
Love you guys – thanks for watching our video! ❤️❤️❤️

Website: https://www.GrowDaddy.TV
Find us on the socialz: GrowDaddyTV:
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