Senator Malcolm Roberts Outlines One Nation Plan to Slash Govt Spending by $90 billion - 8 Feb 2025

3 days ago

On Saturday night, Senator Malcolm Roberts outlined One Nation's plan to "slash government spending by up to $90 billion a year while putting $40 billion back into Australians' pockets."
The ambitious plan is ready to be implemented IMMEDIATELY and will "build infrastructure to generate long-term economic growth and wealth creation."

One Nation plans to free up $30 billion of taxpayer money by abolishing the Department of Climate Change and related agencies, regulations and programs AND save a further $12.5 billion a year by abolishing the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA).

Of particular importance to families—especially those who school their children at home—is One Nation's income splitting policy for couples with dependent children. This is GOOD NEWS for families and will recognise and facilitate the essential role a mother plays in managing the home, including the raising and education of children.

Taxpayer money is better spent supporting families than propping up the diabolical, divisive woke agenda.

One Nation's plan will dismantle the massive climate fraud apparatus in this nation that burdens taxpayers AND bypass the wasteful, divisive, Aboriginal industry to ensure government grants reach those in need.

Vote with conviction this election. The LNP must never receive a default No. 1 vote from Christians and conservatives again.

Spread the word.

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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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