DualSense Replacement Joysticks – Testing Switch Activation Force

4 days ago

I thought I would try to test the activation force of the switches in all the different replacement joysticks I’ve bought. For some of the models I only have a couple of joysticks to go by. But for others, I believe I have a large enough group to indicate what to expect.

00:00 Intro
00:39 Alps DS5
01:27 Alps DS4
02:14 Favor Union OEM
03:11 Favor Union Hall
03:45 GuliKit/Hallpi TMR
04:23 K-Silver TMR
04:37 K-Silver Hall
05:02 Ginfull L-3J, L-4A, L-4B
06:01 Ginfull L-4G higher tension
06:42 Ginfull TMR
07:15 Final Thoughts
07:53 Fixture Setup
10:08 Chart Switch Activation Force

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