Monty Python's Flying Circus S2E04 (The Buzz Aldrin Show, CZ sub.)

1 month ago

Metamorphosis (animation)
this is the first episode to begin with a piece of animation.
An Apology
Gumby announcement
Architects Sketch – written by Cleese and Chapman[19]
How to Recognize a Mason
An Apology / Another Gumby announcement
Motor Insurance Sketch
The Bishop
Parody of The Saint, and the Peter Gunn Theme by Henry Mancini is prominent.
Living Room on Pavement
A Choice of Viewing
An Interview with a Nude Man
The Bishop...Again?!
An Apology
Gumby Frog Curse / Another Another Gumby Announcement
Chemist Sketch
An Apology/Words Not to be Used Again
the words shown on the slides are (in the following order): 'B*M', 'B*TTY', 'P*X', 'KN*CKERS' (twice consecutively, for 'knickers' and 'knockers'), 'W**-W**' and 'SEMPRINI'.
A Less Naughty Chemist's
the 'walk this way' gag is used again, but this time the punchline is said completely, resulting in the character who says it being taken away by a police constable.
A Not at All Naughty Chemist's
Vox Pops on After-shave
Cardinal Ximénez (from Episode 15) makes a cameo appearance in this episode.
Police Constable Pan-Am
the chemist says 'I didn't expect a Spanish Inquisition', but, being played by Palin (as is Cardinal Ximénez), is told to shut up.
Another Apology
End Credits
Last Gumby Announcement (The end)

Released: 20. 10. 1970

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