1 month ago

The West has consistently misrepresented Africa as a continent of poverty and in dire need of saving. But it’s quite the opposite: The West desperately needs Africa for its resources.

Africa received less than $30 billion annually in aid while losing $192 billion to those same countries, according to a 2014 report titled, ‘Honest accounts? The true story of Africa’s billion dollar losses.’

As filmmaker and writer Mallence Bart-Williams explained in this 2015 video clip, the West destabilised wealthy African states to sell the narrative that Africa is poor, dying and surviving only because of the mercy of the West.

She pointed out that the West has nothing to offer. That's why they still have their teeth sunk in African soil. ‘Instead, you should come empty-handed, filled with integrity and honour,’ she says.

Video credit: @tedx (X)


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