"The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You're Going To Live." Dr Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist

1 month ago

"The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You're Going To Live."
Dr Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist

"The Greater The Financial Interest In A Given Field, The Less Likely The Research Findings Are to be True."

"The Most Lucrative Drug In The History Of Medicine Are Statins."

$19 Billion Dollar Profit Industry Totalling 818 Million Prescriptions Annually.

"The Benefit Of Statins For Both Low Risk & High Risk Primary Prevention Is ONLY 1%...1 In 100."

"There Is No Correlation Between Elevated LDL Level & Events Of Cardiovascular Disease. In Fact, It's The Inverse. There Is A Correlation Between Higher LDL Level & Longevity."

"The Higher The LDL, The Longer You're Going To Live, Because It Has A Vital Role In Your Immune System."

"Just Because Cholesterol Is At The Scene Of the Crime, Doesn't Mean It's The Perpetrator."

LDL serves an important & vital purpose for vibrant health. LDL contains the antioxidants Vitamin E, CoQ10 & Carotenoids that kill off free radicals. This reduces inflammation & oxidative damage, which are the true causes of cardiovascular disease.

LDL is a transport molecule delivering cholesterol to repair the cell membrane of the arterial wall. LDL is preventive of disease & immune system protective.

Cholesterol is trying to clear the inflammation & put out the fire caused by other lifestyle issues in order to get the body to return to Homeostasis.

Atherosclerosis Is An Inflammatory Disease, Not A Cholesterol Disease or A Statin Deficiency.

A Fireman shows up to put out a fire. He's not the cause of the fire. Cholesterol shows up to put out the fire of Inflammation in the Arterial Wall. Cholesterol is not the cause of the Inflammation that turns to Plaque.

Eliminate The Root of The Inflammation Which Causes The Damage & Atherosclerosis:

Industrial Seed Oils
Processed Sugar
Insulin Resistance
Ultra Processed Foods
Environmental Toxins
Poor Sleep
Low Vitamin D Levels
Magnesium Deficiency
K2 Deficiency
Lack of Exercise

These Are All Modifiable Risk Factors. Most Chronic Disease Happens Within Us, It Does Not Happen To Us.

A low carbohydrate diet prioritizing nutrient dense animal foods, eliminating harmful seed oils & sugar, provides the best healthy cholesterol profile.

This approach keeps Triglycerides low & HDL high, which is one of the best biomarkers for heart health. TG/HDL ratio optimally should be less than 2.0 & even better at 1.5 or less.

👇The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You Live👇
👇LDL Paradox: Higher LDL, Greater Longevity👇
👇LDL Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease👇

Speakers: @DrAseemMalhotra & @thegarybrecka
Video: The Ultimate Human Podcast

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